Have you LOST a pet?

Step One: File a 'Lost Report' with Animal Control
The first thing you should do after losing a pet is contacting ACCT Philly, Philadelphia's animal control shelter to file a "Lost Report". Be sure to give a detailed description of your pet and the exact area the animal was lost. The staff will compare the report to all "Found Reports" filed in the city to see if there is a match. You can also browse recent Found reports HERE. They will also have your contact information in case your pet turns up at the shelter.
It is also a very good idea to stop by animal control as often as possible and walk through the kennels to look for your pet in case your pet had lost his collar or staff did not notice the same details you provided in the lost report.
Step Two: Spread the word
Many lost pets don't travel too far before being picked up by a concerned citizen, so chances are your pet didn't get too far! Try walking or driving around the area in which you lost your pet and ask neighbors if they have seen him/her. Its always a good idea to have a photo of your pet ready.
Next, follow these steps
Make a 'Lost Flyer' with your contact information and hang it around the area in which you lost your pet. Remember to drop a copy off at ACCT Philly so they can post it in their lobby. Many vets and local businesses will also allow you to post the flyer in their window. All Wawas and many other grocery and convenience stores have community boards where you can hang a flyer.
Post your pet on PawBoost.com. Local community members and organizations will get a notification about your lost pet.
Use social media! ACCT Philly maintains a Lost & Founds Pets Facebook page. Be sure to post photos and location details so the word can get out about your lost pet.
Post an ad in both the 'Pets' and 'Lost & Found' sections of Craigslist.org. Those who respond may ask for photos or unique characteristics to prove ownership of your pet.
Post your pet on NextDoor.com. Members in your immediate area will take note that your pet is missing and keep an eye out for them.
Step Three - Don't give up
Someone may have found your pet and are keeping him safe, but are unsure that anyone is looking for him and how to find you! It may take them some time to reach you or to bring the pet to the animal control shelter.
Continue to check ACCT Philly frequently to see if you pet has turned up.
Don't stop spreading the word using Craigslist.org, Facebook.com, other social media and by hanging flyers in the area.
Once you've found your pet, considering keeping their identification tags current. Microchips are an easy and inexpensive way to ensure your pet will make it back home if they are ever lost again. Check out a list of low-cost vet care clinics in Philadelphia.
Have you FOUND a pet?
Remember! Never assume anything about an animal's past. A thin, injured or dirty stray animal may not mean that they were abused. Their owners may have been looking for them for quite some time and are likely worried sick!
Step One: File a 'Found Report' with Animal Control
The first thing you should do after finding a pet is contacting ACCT Philly, Philadelphia's animal control shelter to file a "Found Report". Be sure to give a detailed description of the animal and the exact area the animal was found. The staff will
compare the report to all "Lost Reports" filed in the city to see if there is a match. You can contact ACCT Philly at 267-385-3800 or visit at 111 W. Hunting Park Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19140. You can also file a Found Report online at www.acctphilly.org/foundpet.
Step Two: Check for identification tags

Though the information may be out of date, any kind of identification tag is a great place to start!
Identification tags with phone number or address - use this information to reach out to the pet's owner.
Rabies vaccination tag - contact the organization that issued the vaccine, as indicated on the tag. This organization should be able to check their records and match the vaccination number to the pet and his owners.
City license tag - contact ACCT Philly, who should be able to check their records and match the license number with the pet and his owners.
Step Three: Check for a microchip
Pet owners can opt to have their pets microhipped, and many do! A microchip is a small device, about the size of a grain of rice, which is inserted between the shoulder blades of the animal (though they can sometimes shift). While a microchip does not act as a tracking device or GPS, if the animal is brought to a shelter or veterinarian office, the staff will use a wand to read the microchip. If the microchip is properly registered, the microchip company can reach out to the owner using the registed information. If the microchip is not registered, the organization that issued the microchip can cross-check their records and determine to who the chip was issued. If they are chipped, be sure to update your Found Report with ACCT Philly.
Step Four: Spread the word
Many lost pets don't travel too far before being picked up by a concerned citizen, so chances are his owners may be nearby! Try walking or driving around the area in which you found the pet and ask those around if they recognize the animal.
Next, follow these steps:
Make a 'Found Pet Flyer' with your contact information and hang it around the area in which you found the pet. Remember to drop a copy off at the animal control shelter so they can post it in their lobby. Many vets and local businesses will also allow you to post the flyer in their window. All Wawas and many other grocery and convenience stores have community boards where you can hang a flyer.
Post the pet on PawBoost.com. Local community members and organizations will get a notification about the found pet. Be sure to request proof of ownership such as a photo.
Use social media! ACCT Philly maintains a Lost & Founds Pets Facebook page. Be sure to post photos and location details so the word can get out about the found pet.
Post an ad in both the 'Pets' and 'Lost & Found' sections of Craigslist.org. Be sure to request proof of ownership such as a photo.
Post your pet on NextDoor.com. Members in your immediate area might recognize the found pet.
Step Five: Can you provide the animal a temporary home?
YES: If you can provide the animal a temporary home until his owners are found or until a new home it lined up, great! Its best to keep the animal separate from your pets until it has had a proper vet wellness visit. Have the animal looked at and vaccinated at one of Philadelphia's low-cost vet clinics.
Once sure that his owners cannot be found or do not want to take ownership back, begin marketing the animal for adoption using sites such as GetYourPet.com, Rehome.AdoptAPet.com and Facebook. Its best to have the animal spayed/neutered at one of the low-cost clinics in the city to minimize behavior and health risks and to ensure he does not reproduce. Screen potential adopters to ensure the animal is going to an appropriate and caring home. Need help? Email CNKP at helpdesk@phillynokill.org!
NO: If you are unable to provide the pet a temporary home, reach out to friends and family members who might have a safe and appropriate home where the pet can stay until his owners are found or until a new home is lined up. Follow directions above and have the animal vetted.
If unable to find a temporary foster home, surrender the pet to ACCT Philly. If you are able to, offer to be the pet's "last resort" in the event that the shelter becomes full and the animal is at risk of euthanasia. Remember to always encourage friends and family to save a life by adopting their pets from ACCT Philly!